I don't think I've talked about the musical "CATS"!
Yes! I went to see the musical on 29th, April.
I wasn't really interested in the show, although I had many chances to see...
Since Singapore rarely gets popular ones like this, so I thought why not!
Photo was allowed to take without flash, so I took the picture of the only one theatre in Singapore; Esplanade theatre.
I was far from the stage, but there was parapet right in front of me, so I leaned on it and watched it without any obstacles.
And, my seat was the end of the line, so cats came over and patted me!!!!
In the middle of the story turned into boring scenes, but overall it was good and fun!
If I am allow to say my personal preference, I would prefer human story, not animal's.
Next one is coming this weekend, Ukulele meets Cello Concert!
I am REALLY excited!!!!