Wow, I didn't write for long time... huh.
I kinda miss writing for my blog which I think very good!
Thank you for all the readers and commentators!
Lately, what was I doing....
Not much huh.
I watched the curious case of Benjamin button a day before Oscar decided the winners!
The movie made me think the aging and love.
I always had the topic in my mind, but this movie taught me how to let go because he loves her.
Aging is not getting better or smarter... forgiveness and acceptance.
My grand parents are getting very old.
Every time I talk with them on the phone, they want me to be back home.
They've never told me that even I was in US, Germany wherever I was in the world....
Now they do.
Now, I feel like taking course for nursing especially for seniors.
I will search for a short course to take.
Last weekend was very busy, because I had to clean my apartment and prepare for my friend's wife's welcome party at my place.
I prepared Temaki, Oinarisan, Asari no sakamushi, Salad, and some finger food.
About 8 people came and I really appreciate that they came over since I live far end of Singapore.
3rd of March is Girls day (Hinamatsuri) in Japan.
My mom text me that she doesn't feel right to have the day without me...
It is very nice of her to say in that way, but to tell you the truth, we hardly had time to have traditional Girls day!
WHY?- - - because my parents sell the dolls for girls day and they are always damn busy during the time of season.
On the girls day, I get my dolls line up... which means the daughter get marry at late age.
My dad liked it the way when I was little, but I don't know for now ;P way too late??
Anyway, my dad got strawberry cake for my mom on the day.
I always like how my dad cares everyone like that.
He has most deepest heart in the world!
The night I was in Singapore went for dinner with a colleague and Indian father and son.
You wouldn't believe how they speak perfect Japanese, especially the father!
He started to live in Japan 50 years ago!!!!!!
Really, truly the pioneer!!!
Talking with him always makes me think and inspire me.
It's more like taking business class!
The way he got 2nd house in Nagano, the way he thinks at things in the world, the way he respect every small things!
Very precious time for sure!!!!
Last night, I played bowling!
I scored 107 and 109!!! Really remarkable score for me!!!
The bowling place is right in front of my apartment.
I learned they open till 1am weekdays, till 5am weekends!!! Oh,my!
Anyway anyway, I go gym between all the events.
As matter of fact, I worked out today too!
Now, finishing my white color laundry and getting ready to go to bed!
Talk all ya soon!