
Another SE Asian Fruit

Anyone has any idea what's this?
Do you have it in Thailand, Jane?

When you touch it, it feels like sponge.
When you open it, you have no idea which part to eat.
When you taste it, it is very sour but passionated!


Anonymous said...

Passion Fruit!. or Tokeiso in Japanese.
They are my favorite. :) hmmm,, yum.

Naomi said...

Wooooow, Saki-!
BINGO-! It's Passion Fruit :)
Yummy huh! Can you get it in CO?

I've checked for the picture with the word of "Tokeiso".
Gosh, it was hard to believe the flower was Passion Fruit flower!
Nice to know!

Anonymous said...

I see them at king soopers sometimes-