
The top sales

Well... I thought I could show off the highest number for this month at work.
I am definately not the number hunter, but when I closed last deal, I've realized my number would be one of the top!
It would definatelly feel good to be at 1st place especially at the end of the year :)

Well well... Naomi naomi!
Now I see that other consultant has just got beyond my number!
This is sooooo me.

Well, I am still very happy that I can see people getting jobs!
Anyone gonna get me job???

OH=====! Today, my brother Welensky called me from U.S.!!!!
It was really nice to catch up with him!!!
Gosh! It's been sooooooo long since we studied at same campus in Colorado!
Soooo much to share!!!! Absolute good time!!!

1 comment:

scoop88 said...

How proud I am of your efforts and your heart to make things better by finding jobs for others.